Items I Am Loving

Call me material, call me irresponsible, but here a few itmes I call my favorite things, lately:
1. My Palladium gladiator sandals. These fabulous strappy shoes are rubber soled and have plenty of attitude for those days I want to feel like a grunge rock star.
2. Coffee, fully caffeinated.....zzzzZZZZZZZZING!
3. Watering and weeding my garden (and I didn't say this out loud but I have a secret affinity for killing snails-not in front of my children of course-which involves hi lobs and pavement)
4. One Pot Meals: I didn't notice the trend until I recapped the last 8 meals I've made at home, which include: Chili, Spaghetti, Chicken Enchiladas, Tuna Noodle Casserole (yes, it's a requested meal in my house), Sausage with Penne Pasta, Taco Salad, Teriyaki Stir Fry w/Tofu, Shredded Beef Burritos.
5. The Soundtrack to SlumDog Millionaire
6. Stick Wick Candles, a wooden wick w/natural wax that crackles when it burns, in Campfire scent
7. Ripe Pears
8. Bloody Mary's with plenty of seasonings and spice
9. Baking these box brownies: Firenza's Irrsetistable Baking Mixes: Triple Chocolate Brownie (not organic but has real ingredients)
