I chose the path...

So, my only single friend called me today to complain about her life. HAH!! I know she calls for perspective, and she always gets a bigger dose than she bargained for. Today, she called while she was perusing the racks at Anthropologie (yeah, shopping, alone, in a major metropolis, with no time restraints and a quiet, empty house to return to whenever she was good and ready....I know! What's she doing calling me?) Why is it that the grass is always greener? It was at this time that Shelby decided to attempt a half-gainer into the bath tub while Ana had accomplished her second gooey blowout of the day. What's with my kids? The conversation went something like this, Friend, "My week has been crappy. I hate the poeple I work with, and I have a date tonight and nothing to wear." Me, "Check this out, my husband left me for a night, my oldest just drained the tub...onto the bathroom floor, and the baby just shit on me. Did you say you're shopping?" Friend,"Did you say you've been shit on?" Me, "Every day."


Anonymous said…
Can't stop laughing long enough to type. I do not remember "being shit on" in the job description, but between the poop and the spit-up, thank goodness we have a washer and dryer that work wonders!!
Anonymous said…
This is a funny story, shit really happens, but who goes around talking about it. Thanks for being so honest...and make it a good day today!