Well, I'm leaving for the night, without the kids. I can hardly believe it! An overnight shopping trip with my girlfriends. I hope John is up for the challenge of two kids. I'm sure he'll be great! I hope he handles the late night feedings, the birthday party, the bathtime with two slippery kiddos. I hope it all goes smoothly for him. But I also, just sort of, hope he feels frustration when both kids start crying at the same time, maybe a little humility when Shelby melts down because she's tired (particularly in a public place). I hope he has a great time with his children this weekend, but I also, just kind of, hope he attempts to do the laundry and keep up with the dishes while providing balanced meals and paying the bills. I am sure he will enjoy his time at home being a full time, uninterrupted daddy, but a little part of me hopes he puts on a freshly washed shirt just before Ana spits up all down the front of it making him late for an appointment. Okay, I'm leaving. Good luck. Can't wait to come home tomorrow! Did I already say good luck? Okay, I'm really leaving. Bye.