What is it about Mother's Day that spurs my repugnance for all things motherly? I opt out of diaper duty. I refuse to cook. I decline bathroom assistance to my toddler. I leave the house alone and return late and unapologetic.
For all you hot mommas out there, I encourage you to shirk your mommy responsibilities and spend the day celebrating you. Here's to pedicures, mid morning champagne, french pastries, and Thai food take-out. And thank your hubby for stepping in as mommy for the day (Thanks, John).
P.S. Here are the gifts I received for Mother's Day:
Flowers from...my sister, of course.
Ana's first tooth! A family tradition on Mother's Day.
Happy feet!
For all you hot mommas out there, I encourage you to shirk your mommy responsibilities and spend the day celebrating you. Here's to pedicures, mid morning champagne, french pastries, and Thai food take-out. And thank your hubby for stepping in as mommy for the day (Thanks, John).
P.S. Here are the gifts I received for Mother's Day:
