After two years of pleading, I finally convinced John of our NEED for an iPod. One exorbitant price later, then a theft at Costco, and one MORE exorbitant replacement price later, we realized that the iPod price tag was just the beginning of a serious financial commitment. Somehow, the iPeople never mentioned how useless an iPod is without the iAccessories to go with it. Ridiculous! In protest, we got creative. First, there was the 6 hour road trip: #2 Lesson learned, sharing earbuds is not an option. iPissed. We promptly purchased a Belkin radio tuner w/cradle at $69.99. iHappy. #1 Lesson learned was, although it seemed we were the last people on earth to buy an iPod, unlocked vehicles at Costco parking lot and visibly available iPod result in stolen iPod. iViolated. Then, there was the joyous discovery of tuning our toddler in to a Sesame Street program on the iPod while traveling! iHooray! The guilty pleasures of technology savvy parenting. "I can't hear it mommy! I can't keep the earbuds in my ears mommy! Mommy, they fell out AGAIN!" (crying, louder crying, waking up sleeping sister crying, additional crying ... in stereo). iShit. Logic says we should buy a set of children's headphones. But we said, "Let's tie the earbuds to your headband!" iHeadband:

Then the Belkin tuner broke inside the car cigarette lighter. iTragedy. With stoic self control, we went 4 weeks before our next road trip when we swerved off Highway 5 to the first Target we could find and bought the cheaper $39.99 version of the Belkin iTuner without cradle. iThrifty. After one solid hour of tuning and retuning with little success and a lotta frustration, we swerved off the highway once more to return the cheap iTuner and get the replacement Belkin iTuner with cradle, now $89.99. iInflation. I also bought a set of children's headphones for $14.99. iSmart.
After a year of automobile iPodding, we searched our outdated stereo receiver for a much needed "Auxiliary" plug that was all the rage. Apparently, this luxury outlet would allow us to enjoy our iMusic on our home stereo speakers. Hmmm, iInterested. Maybe we need a new Stereo receiver with an iPod plug for $899.99. iNOT. After another month of pondering, I began buying and returning random MP3 converter cables in a futile attempt to connect our iPod to our archaic receiver. And yesterday, on my third attempt, I found the miracle iCable ($10.49). iRelieved. This morning, John's 1989 alarm clock, with tape deck finally died. iAlarm Clock?
Then the Belkin tuner broke inside the car cigarette lighter. iTragedy. With stoic self control, we went 4 weeks before our next road trip when we swerved off Highway 5 to the first Target we could find and bought the cheaper $39.99 version of the Belkin iTuner without cradle. iThrifty. After one solid hour of tuning and retuning with little success and a lotta frustration, we swerved off the highway once more to return the cheap iTuner and get the replacement Belkin iTuner with cradle, now $89.99. iInflation. I also bought a set of children's headphones for $14.99. iSmart.
After a year of automobile iPodding, we searched our outdated stereo receiver for a much needed "Auxiliary" plug that was all the rage. Apparently, this luxury outlet would allow us to enjoy our iMusic on our home stereo speakers. Hmmm, iInterested. Maybe we need a new Stereo receiver with an iPod plug for $899.99. iNOT. After another month of pondering, I began buying and returning random MP3 converter cables in a futile attempt to connect our iPod to our archaic receiver. And yesterday, on my third attempt, I found the miracle iCable ($10.49). iRelieved. This morning, John's 1989 alarm clock, with tape deck finally died. iAlarm Clock?