Super Dads To The Rescue Day

Every Mom knows that the real title of Mother's Day is really "Super Dads To The Rescue Day". After only four glorious "Super Dads To The Rescue Days" under my belt, I know all too well my expectations of myself and my wonderful spouse when this day arrives. I am ashamed to say that each year Mother's Day rolls around, my idea of celebrating Motherhood excludes all motherly responsibility. On Mother's Day, I expect to sleep in, refrain from all diaper changing, read the paper uninterrupted, have breakfast served to me, etc. Yes, I purposely avoid all my motherly duties, all day long, including sibling rivalries, cooking, cleaning and especially negotiating tantrums.
And yesterday was no different. I even took a midday nap. John (aka Super Dad) took up the slack by inviting the kids on a long bike ride to the park. When they returned to discover mommy was indeed still in sloth shape, he conducted a tea party in the playhouse and then they packed up the wagon and headed to the beach. He delivered breakfast, bought us lunch, and happily agreed to my every wish.
And my only solace from the guilt of this day, is the fact that Father's Day (aka "Super Moms to the Rescue Day") is right around the corner. Oh boy.
