Heart Rates and Housework

There's something to be said about the various benefits of regular exercise. Although personally, I haven't included it in my own routine for the past year, every so often I recall what it felt like to have muscle mass, to be sore, to have athletic prowess and goals, which of course leads to confidence and inevitably, greater overall productivity. Yeah, who knew? Working out makes you work harder all day long! Here's an example:
Yesterday I made it to the pool at 6 a.m. for my sporadic workout. My heart rate was up, every flip turn pumped more blood to my brain and I was crunching new ways to tackle that disastrous hall closet and dreaming about the additional room I could add to the guest suite. I arrived home to do two loads of laundry, empty the dishwasher and sweep and vacuum the house. Then I made a giant batch of blueberry pancakes and downed a cup of joe.
When the kids finally got up I had breakfast in the oven and the table was set. I had just finished packing our wagon to head out to the tidepools. It was 7:30 a.m.
Today, I skipped my workout. Having barely made it to the preschool drop off I am nursing my fourth cup of coffee while I shop online in my pajamas and admire the filth that accumulated since yesterday. It's noon. Man, it is definitely not a workout day....maybe I should just crumble now and have a beer.
