Wow, it's been so long, I forgot how to find this website....
I started blogging some two years ago because I needed a creative outlet. As of late, I seem to have accumulated so many outlets my inner self looks like the victim in a mob scene, I have energy flowing out of every orifice, I swear.
There's the completion of the back yard, patio, planters and all. (I'll be sure to send pictures just as soon as I tidy up the dirty diapers, strewn clothing and toys EVERYWHERE).
I FINALLY tackled the guest room in a fervor that should make Martha Stewart very proud. Even the spare toddler bedding matches the bed's light aqua print duvet cover-I know!
I'm riding this anal retentive wave of productiveness, can't stop to blog too much or I may lose momentum! Next challenge: my hall closet...(WARNING: it's so messy it fell on it's side! Turn head to see below):

"Mission: Improvement" begins next week.
P.S. I promise to include some more pictures just as soon as my house guests depart and my life resumes normalcy for a few days.