Four days, two hotels, three tanks of gas and four college campuses later the girls and I are battling it out in traffic on the 405, barreling home in a heap of exhaustion. Other than that last exit I missed which added an additional hour to our already LONG road trip, I am commending myself the whole way home for a successful outing to see academia at its best in Southern California.
*Hi Five to ME*
It has never been a question of IF the kids will go to college, just a matter of WHERE. John and I have done nothing short of brainwash our children into visualizing their romantic future of dorm rooms and all night studying, independence, new friends and exciting academic focus. Successful parenting is all about manifesting your destiny, and theirs. Just keep repeating whatever positive messages and successful futures you envision for your little ones, make a deal with the devil somewhere along the way, and POOF! Your dreams become their reality.
Well, okay the jury might still be out on my proclamation but I promise to keep you posted!
This trip began with a thoughtfully curated itinerary kicked off by expansive ocean views, warm sunny weather, fancy drinks poolside, bike rides on the beach boardwalk, and a bit of swimsuit shopping. In 24 hours I had them eating out of my hand. Anna, in all of her 13 year old wisdom, proclaimed it first, "I love this town and I am definitely going to college here." 16 year old Shelby nodded along enthusiastically adding, "Oh yeah, this is where I want to be after graduation, for sure!"
We probably could have skipped the tours altogether after that first day, headed home and started the application process. As hard as it is to believe that I am at this point in my parenting life, touring schools, talking about acceptance rates and tuition fees, I am genuinely excited for Shelby. Most of me is focused on magnifying her pursuit of college acceptance letters in order to minimize the inevitable loss of my first born child, and the shift in our family unit that I have known and loved.
"I am at peace with everything that has happened, and will happen....Ohhmmmmm."
Manifest your destiny, right? She will go on to college, we will adapt and everything will be okay.